19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA


Sport and Health: improving sports performance and injury treatment with artificial intelligence and new BLE5 and 5G technologies.


Project of the CREATEC CV program that has allowed us to promote our products dedicated to sport and the well-being of people in the Pikku line with very interesting functionalities based on new devices and hardware supports and artificial intelligence models for image processing and accelerometer and gyroscope data.

Development of new devices

PikkuBLE5: redesign of the Pikku device to support the BLE5 version with its important advantages:

  • Up to 300m range with Phy Coded configuration (Long Range)
  • Increased data transfer rate through Phy 2M
  • Increased data transmission capacity in broadcast mode

Pikku5G: device capable of communicating on cellular networks with GPS/Galileo geolocation, motion sensor and wireless charging.

New intelligent mounts for location of devices for image and motion capture:

  • Neoprene bracelet/bracelet support that allows devices to be submerged in water and measure biomechanical parameters.
  • Neoprene support, very easy to attach, that allows the cell phone to capture images and collect data from the devices located on the body.

Artificial Intelligence based on images and data:

Development of Artificial Intelligence models for human body joint detection, limb angle calculation, movement identification, repetition control and skill optimization for gaming and injury rehabilitation.
